Blindness in cats

Blindness in your cat can develop very suddenly or gradually, depending on the cause. Cats adapt really well when blindness develops over time, so it can be surprisingly difficult for us to notice. Sudden blindness is much more obvious and some cats find it difficult to adapt.

Blindness presents as loss of functional vision, with or without loss of light perception. Contact a vet as soon as your cat shows signs of losing their sight. Not all conditions that cause blindness are treatable, but the earlier they are identified, the better chance your cat has of recovering.


What to do

What to do if your cat becomes blind

If your cat suddenly becomes blind, take them immediately to your vet, even if they do not appear to be in pain.



Common causes of blindness in cats

  • Hypertension: high blood pressure, a condition of older cats, and it’s the most common cause of blindness.
  • Cataract: opacity or clouding of the lens of the eye, less frequent in cats when compared to dogs.
  • Glaucoma: high pressure inside the eye leading to retinal and optic nerve damage, often caused by uveitis.
  • Uveitis: inflammation of the middle area of the eye, called uvea.
  • Eye injury: such as trauma to the eye causing bleeding inside the eye, globe rupture and others.
  • Tumours in the eye
  • Birth defects
  • Retinal disease: such as progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), a genetic disease.


When to worry

When should you be worried about your blind cat?

If your cat shows any of the following signs, call your vet:

  • Swollen eye
  • Squinting
  • Redness of the eye
  • Reluctant to open the affected eye or pawing at the face
  • Head tilt

Call us at Joii if:

  • You have a blind cat and need help with adjusting their environment
  • If you need help applying or giving medication



Tips on how to prevent blindness in cats

Some conditions cannot be prevented, while others can. An early diagnosis is crucial to prevent permanent blindness.

  • Take your cat for regular vet check-ups, at least once a year, to catch any illness early.
  • Regular blood tests are also extremely useful, especially in senior cats.
  • Keep them on a balanced diet, suitable for their age and lifestyle.



How to know if your cat is blind

Signs to look out for include:

  • Change in the appearance of the eye: red, cloudy or glazed
  • Change in personality being more quiet or fearful
  • Walking in a crouched position closer to the ground
  • Walking around the edge of the room or garden rather than through the middle
  • Bumping into things, such as objects that are not normally in that position
  • Reluctance to jump down, although they may be still able to jump onto things


Home treatment

How to care for your blind cat at home

There is a lot of worry among owners about how their cats will cope with blindness, but fortunately, most cats adapt well and continue to live happy lives.

Nevertheless, there are important aspects that you may need to take into consideration to help your cat:

Keep your home the same

  • Avoid moving furniture or any of your cat’s belongings, such as their food dish, water bowl or bed.
  • Be aware of possible home hazards such as sharp furniture corners, wires, stairs, hot surfaces, and pools. If you need to restrict your cat to safer areas of the house, you could consider using a baby gate.
  • Place textured mats at the room entrances. Your cat will be able to differentiate the room they are in by the texture on their paws.

Talk to your cat

  • Always talk to your cat before stroking them so they know you are nearby. It will stop them from getting scared and let them know something is coming.
  • Whenever your cat meets a new human or animal, they should be handled with extra care.

Use sound or bells

  • If you have other pets in the house, it’s useful to use small bells or an object that produces sound to help your blind cat identify their presence.

Keep them indoors

  • Keep them indoors or with only strict access to a safely-fenced garden.
  • Make sure to have them microchipped in case they escape.

Help them stay active

  • Play is very important. Use toys that make a noise. This will help build their confidence and provide mental stimulation.
  • Encourage your cat to walk around on their own and avoid carrying them.


Vet treatment

Is there a cure for blindness in cats?

The treatment for blindness in cats will depend on the underlying condition.

This can be in the form of:

  • Eye drops
  • Oral tablets
  • Eye surgery

When a cat loses their sight, blindness can become permanent.

If there is no treatment to resolve or improve their sight, treatment will be directed at reducing pain. This may be in the form of an eye enucleation surgery, where the eye is completely removed to prevent pain.

Blindness that is caused by cataracts can often be resolved with eye surgery to try to reestablish vision.



Are some cats more at risk of becoming blind?

Some breeds of cats are prone to developing certain conditions that can cause blindness.

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): refers to a variety of inherited retinal degeneration conditions that progress to blindness. Abyssinian, Somali cat and Siamese can be prone to this condition.
  • Glaucoma: breeds with a high prevalence of primary glaucoma are Burmese, Siamese and Persian.
  • Hypertension: in the later stages of chronic kidney disease, some cats may develop high blood pressure, but no strong breed predisposition is known.


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