So the vets and nurses at Joii have put together Joii’s guide to…
Twelve (pet-friendly) Days of Christmas
- Recognising the hazards and how to avoid them.
- Fun things to do and share with pets this Christmas
…to make sure you have all the information you need for a worry-free and fun Christmas this year.
Day 1: Foreign bodies at Christmas
Christmas decorations, wrapping paper, sellotape, string and toys. Pets eating things they shouldn’t and choking hazards.
Day 2: Food hazards during the festive season
Christmas food hazards for dogs and cats
Day 3: Too much turkey and treats?
Upset tummies: when and how to manage them at home
Day 4: Poisonous plants
Christmas trees, Christmas cactus, flowers, trees and nuts; what’s harmful among the Christmas plants
Day 5: Stress at Christmas
Visitors, noise, changes, stress and escapees
Day 6: Bearing gifts we travel afar?
Preparing for a journey and travelling with pets
Day 7: Festive skin and coat care for pets
Shedding, scratching and those year-round pesky parasites
Day 8: Happy places – options for care while you are away
How to prepare your pet and what are the options
Day 9: Great gifts for pets to share the fun of giving
Safe and healthy toys for pets
Day 10: Sharing is caring – treats to share
Safe treats for pets, bought and home-made
Day 11: New pets at Christmas
A pet is a 15-year commitment. If your new pet happens to arrive around Christmas, some tips to settle them in at a busy time. Advice if it’s already happened!
Day 12: Dreaming of a white Christmas?
Snow and cold weather challenges for pets
Watch out for these articles coming in bite-size into your email box.
Let’s play it safe with pets this year, so all the family has a totally pawsome Christmas!
Wishing you a very happy Christmas from all your family friends at Joii!