Allergies in dogs

Allergies in dogs can be very complex, but they are quite common, affecting up to 30% of dogs. Dog allergies can be split into 3 main categories: parasites, food and environment. Most dogs diagnosed with allergies will need life-long treatment but many can live a normal, happy life. 

Any age or breed of dog can be affected by allergies. The main symptoms include itching and skin problems. Treatment of allergies involves a multi-modal approach that usually includes skin supplements, anti-itch medication, special foods, parasite control and topical treatments such as shampoos and ear cleaners.



What are allergies in dogs?

Allergies in dogs can usually be split into 3 main categories: parasites, food and environment.

  • Parasites: flea allergies are the most common, but dogs can also have allergies to mites (mange)
  • Food: the 3 most common food allergies are to chicken, beef and dairy
  • Environment, also known as atopy: includes pollen, dust, grass, and trees
  • There is often overlap; many dogs have allergies to more than one of these categories
  • The symptoms tend to be very similar for all of these allergies
  • Allergies occur due to an exaggerated immune system response to typically harmless substances
  • Allergies in dogs are not curable. However, many dogs with allergies can lead normal, happy lives. Medication may be required, either long-term or only during flare-ups, to manage their symptoms effectively.

Allergies in dogs are common and there are many options for treatment. It’s always best to speak to a vet if your dog shows signs of having allergies. If not treated appropriately, skin disease can worsen and lead to severe infections and thickening of the skin.


Our Joii vets help dogs with allergies every day, call us now if you have any questions.



Symptoms of allergies in dogs

The most common signs of allergies in dogs include:

  • Itching: this can appear as scratching, biting, licking or chewing a particular area
  • Red, inflamed skin
  • Red or white spots, crusts and scabs
  • Hair loss: leading to bald patches
  • Thickened or darkened areas of skin

Other areas of the body can also be affected when dogs have allergies:

Allergies in dogs
Recurrent ear infections are a common sign of allergies

Location of skin problems

The area of the body that is affected can often give an indication of the type of allergy:

  • Flea allergies tend to appear along the spine and over the back/hip area
  • Environmental allergies affect the paws, tummy, ears and inner legs
  • Food allergies affect similar areas to environmental allergens but may also be accompanied by signs of vomiting, diarrhoea or flatulence.



Are some dogs more at risk of allergies than others?

  • Environmental allergies: Labrador and Golden Retrievers, West Highland White Terriers, Bulldogs, Boxers, Bichon Frise, Shar Pei, German Shepherds, and Pugs.
  • Food allergies: Labradors, West Highland White Terriers, French Bulldogs, Cocker Spaniels, and Irish Setters
  • Flea allergies: no known risk for breed



How are allergies diagnosed in dogs?

Diagnosing allergies can often be time-consuming and complex. Allergies are often diagnosed after ruling out other potential causes of itching.

Tests may include:

  • Blood and urine tests
  • Skin tests: scrapes to check for mites. Hair plucks to check for fungal infections like ringworm. A skin biopsy may also be helpful.
  • Diet trial: using a hydrolysed or novel protein diet for at least 6-8 weeks
  • Allergy tests: blood or skin tests that check for specific allergens in your dog’s body. Skin tests will require sedation.


Vet treatment

What’s the treatment for allergies in dogs?

Treatment will depend on how severe your dog’s symptoms are. They can be tricky to treat, especially in the beginning and a multi-modal approach is usually recommended.

This usually includes:

  • Anti-itch medication: many different types and forms are available. Cost varies considerably between types of medication. Anti-itch medication may be needed long-term or sometimes only during flare-ups.
  • Allergen-specific Immunotherapy: a medication made specifically for each patient based on the results of skin or blood tests for allergies.
  • Antibiotics: for secondary skin infections.
  • Prescription parasite preventatives: the only available preventative and treatment for mites (mange). Also usually quicker onset of action against fleas compared to supermarket brands.


Home treatment

How to look after a dog with allergies at home

Allergies in dogs can sometimes be well controlled without prescription medication. Home treatment involves using a combination of products:

  • Skin supplements
  • Shampoo and mousse for irritated skin
  • Ear cleaners
  • Appropriate nutrition

There are many over-the-counter products available, but which one is best for your dog will depend on their symptoms. Speak to one of our Joii vets online; they can help you with advice on which product to choose for your dog.



Tips on how to prevent allergy flare-ups in dogs

  • Ensure all your household pets are kept on regular parasite prevention, especially for fleas.
  • Regularly clean your dog’s bedding, collar, and bowls.
  • Frequently dust and vacuum your home, refraining from using sprays or perfumes indoors.
  • Provide your dog with high-quality, balanced nutrition suitable for their age and activity level. Some brands offer a specialised skincare line with a focus on omega oil content.
  • Certain dogs may benefit from regular baths, shampoos, and ear cleanings. Seek professional guidance as excessive bathing can lead to issues.
  • Brush your dog’s coat and check for any unusual areas of skin at least weekly.
  • Promptly consult a veterinarian if your dog displays signs of itchiness to prevent self-inflicted skin injuries.


Is my family at risk of catching allergies from my dog?

Allergies in dogs are not contagious to humans or other pets in the household.


When to worry

When to worry about allergies in dogs

Seek help from a vet if:

  • Your dog is constantly scratching, to the point where it interrupts normal activities
  • Your dog has large areas of hair loss or rashes all over the body
  • Your dog is in pain from their skin or ear problems

Call us and speak to one of our Joii vets if:

  • You want to find out how to do a food trial
  • You want to know what topical products or skin supplements are best for your itchy dog
  • You have any questions about parasite control in dogs


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